50 Years to YG Miami, 40 Years to Learning of Rambam
On Thursday evening 18 Adar, the Shluchim of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami hosted hundreds of Bochurim, Shluchim and Anash in a grand celebration of Shnas Hayovel to the Yeshiva and 40 years to the Takono of learning Rambam.
Rabbi Chaim Stern, Menahel of the Yeshiva Gedola, emceed the event, drawing the connection between the Takono of Limud HaRambam being the Rebbes personal campaign, and the Yeshiva Gedolah as the Rebbe’s personal establishment, being the first Yeshiva outside Crown Heights established in America, with the emphasis of naming the Yeshiva “Yeshiva Gedolah”.
Commencing the ceremony was the head Shliach to the state of Florida, Rabbi Avraham Korf who led the crowd with the recitation of the Rebbe’s Kapitel, followed by the executive director of Friends of Lubavitch of Florida Rabbi Benzion Korf, dean of Lubavitch Educational Center, who spoke about the Rambam’s greatness drawing the parallels to our Rebbe.
Rabbi Y. L. Schapiro, Rosh Hayeshiva, made the Siyum on the Rambam, explaining the Rebbes Chidushim on the last Halochos of Mishne Torah. Celebrating 50 years of being Rosh Hayeshiva was a personal moment of joy that Rabbi Schapiro shared with the crowd, whilst recounting memories of the founding of Yeshiva.
A video presentation of the Rebbe’s Sicha produced by JEM was viewed.
The Keynote address and Pesicha to the Rambam was delivered by Rabbi Yossi Simpson, Menahel of Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Crown Heights, who was a Shliach in Yeshiva Gedolah the very first year in 1974. Rabbi Simpson also shared memories of his years on Shlichus in Miami and the impact it left on their Kevutza and the whole city of Miami.
Rabbi Meir Elituv, author and director of Pardes Hamelech, shared some Chidushim of the Rebbe on the Rambam.
Hatomim Menachem Wagner, Shliach in Yeshiva Gedola, representing this year’s Shluchim and the completion of the 50 years of Yeshiva, delivered a meaningful connection between the Rambam, Purim and the Yovel of Yeshiva Gedolah.
A beautiful Teshura was prepared by the Shluchim on the history of the Yeshiva Gedolah, complimented with letters of the Rebbe.
Registration for Yeshiva Gedola of Miami www.ygmiami.com