Chaya Aydel Seminary Brings Purim Joy and Shalach Monos to Many
For the 44th Consecutive year, Chabad of South Broward Headquarters has brought Purim joy and Shalach Monos to residents of nursing homes, retirement homes, hospitals and schools throughout South Broward.
In the last two decades, this project has been spearheaded by Rabbi Yossi Lebovics, Seminary Principal, and the young ladies of the Chaya Aydel Seminary in Hallandale Beach, Florida.
“The Lubavitcher Rebbe”, said Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus, Co-Director of Chabad of South Broward, “directed us to reach the neediest and the loneliest, especially on Purim and all Jewish Holidays”.
There were hundreds of Megillah readings and dozens of Purim Seudahs organised this year by Chabad of South Broward and its affiliates.
“What is most dear to my heart, and to the hearts of so many, is bringing the Purim spirit and joy to the less fortunate”, Rabbi Tennenhaus concluded.
As always, the Chaya Aydel Seminary students were outstanding in the manner and passion in which they carried out this Purim Campaign.
For more information on the Chaya Aydel Seminary, that will be opening its 23rd year after the summer, please call or text 954-826-7979, email chayaaydelseminary@gmail.com or log on to chayaaydelsem.com .