Gallery: Three Hours of Pesach Celebration With Shwekey and Akiva in South Broward
Thousands celebrate joyously and fervently for three hours with Shwekey and Akiva a Hakhel Pesach Concert in South Broward.
The evening began with two video clips of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: First of Hakhel, then of the importance of participating in Moshiach’s Seudah.
Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus shared a Dvar Torah about Pesach and the Geulah, and led 3,000 people of all backgrounds in reciting the Rebbe’s Kapitel for Eretz Yisroel.
Akiva and Shwekey were on fire, as were the thousands in attendance who sang, danced and celebrated in a manner that was Poretz Geder, broke the normal inhibiting limitations.
It was a celebration of Pesach and Yetzias Mitzrayim and even more so, a joyous anticipation of the imminent upcoming Geulah!
Special thanks to Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Rabbi Mordy Feiner, Rebbitzen Goldie Tennenhaus and the entire staff and volunteers of Chabad of South Broward Headquarters.
Ely Katz and the entire organizing team from Israel were amazing!
Hundreds in attendance committed to have this year for the very first time a “Moshiach Seudah”, and every participant sang and danced that the Moshiach Seudah this year will actually be in Yerusholayim with Moshiach!