Jewish Man Assaulted Shabbos Afternoon In Lauderhill Hate Crime
by JewishMiami.info
A vicious unprovoked attack on a Jewish man walking home in Lauderhill Shabbos afternoon ended with the attacker under arrest, and the victim rushed to the hospital.
“While walking home from shul, a man came up to him on 44th St. and screamed at him “I’m tired of you Jews” throwing him against the fence and on the ground, and punching him in the face repeatedly,” a family member wrote.
According to reports, the Jewish man was walking home form Bais Mashiach in Lauderhill around 1:30pm Shabbos afternoon, when he was approached by the man who vented his hate for Jewish people as he assaulted him.
A person driving by witnessed the assault and scared off the assailant by screaming at him.
The police responded and were on site quickly, according to a memo from a local shul’s Security Committee. A family member of the victim, along with a security guards from both the Bais Mashiach and Chabad Shul in Inverraray, followed the perpetrator until the police arrived, and made the arrest.
Hatzalah was called and the victim transported to the hospital with significant injuries.