Kosher Miami Publishes Statement on Purchasing Chometz after Pesach

Any chometz that a Jew owned on Pesach that was not sold or disposed of properly is known as ‘chometz she’avar alav hapesach’.  It is forbidden for any Jew to eat or benefit from chometz she’avar alav hapesach.  This prohibition applies to any store or supplier that is Jewishly owned and did not sell their chometz.    

The position of Kosher Miami is that one may purchase chometz from all stores listed in both lists below. Even though list 2 contains stores that have Jewish suppliers, based on a number of mitigating factors, Kosher Miami’s policy is to allow purchase from those stores as well.

List 1
The following are companies that are not owned or supplied by Jews.  One may purchase chometz from these stores.

  1. Aldi
  2. BJ’s Wholesale Club
  3. Costco
  4. CVS
  5. Kmart
  6. Publix
  7. Sam’s Club
  8. Trader Joes
  9. Walgreens
  10. Walmart
  11. Whole Foods

List 2
The following are companies that are not owned by Jews but are known to have suppliers that are owned by Jews. These Jewish suppliers sell their chometz but continue to operate on Pesach. One should consult their Rav as to whether one can purchase chometz from these stores.

  1. Target – Some frozen and refrigerated foods in Target stores in certain parts of the United States, particularly on the East Coast, are in this category.  All non frozen chometz in Target is supplied by a non Jewish company.
  2. Winn Dixie

List 3
Franchised stores that are individually owned.  It is necessary to research each store’s ownership individually.

  1. 7-Eleven – Some stored may be Jewishly owned but the supplier for all the stores are non Jewish

List 4
Online distributors such as Amazon, Sam’s Club and Walmart are not Jewish owned but often serve as distributors for other businesses that are Jewish owned. The name of the supplier is generally posted in the website and consumers should make a reasonable effort to determine if the supplier is Jewish before purchasing chometz after Pesach.

ALL Kosher Miami certified establishments have sold their chometz before Pesach, and one may purchase chometz from them after Pesach.

For a complete list of KM certified establishments, please see  our web site,

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