LEC Girls Camp Locked Down After Skateboarder Shot Near School Building

by JewishMaimi.info

A shooting near the LEC Girls Building put camp on hold Tuesday afternoon, leading to the closing of the street and relocation of all campers to LEC’s main campus.

According to the Miami Gardens Police Department, they are investigating the incident after a skateboarder got into a verbal, and ultimately physical altercation with another person around 2:15pm, which culminated in the skateboarder being shot on the 16700 block of Northwest 16th Avenue, in the area of the LEC Girl’s building. The shooter then fled in a white sedan.

The camp was briefly placed on lockdown and all campers relocated to LEC’s Main Campus for dismissal.

The victim of the shooting was airlifted to the hospital.

Following the incident, LEC sent a message to parents notifying them of the incident and change in dismissal location, writing, “Due to an incident unrelated to Camp, the entire 167th st has been shut down by the fire department. The girls will be bussed over to LEC and dismissal for all campers will take place at LEC.”

According to Local10 News, a white sedan was surrounded a person detained nearby, it remains unconfirmed if the incidents are related.

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