Lubavitch Hebrew Academy In Margate Hosts Chabad School Leaders For Two Day Retreat
by JewishMiami.info
Over 40 principals and school directors from across the country descended this past weekend on Lubavitch Hebrew Academy in Margate, FL for a Leadership Retreat hosted by the Menachem Education Foundation.
“What a whirlwind last two days,” the staff of Lubavitch Hebrew Academy wrote on social media. “Speeches, workshops, a grand banquet and of course the school visit filled out the 36 hours of growth and inspiration.”
The retreat marked the 3rd annual Chabad School Leadership Retreat which focused on the unique Chinuch challenges facing schools this year. The Women’s Chabad School Leadership Retreat took place in February in Los Angeles, CA.
Featured workshops and speakers at the event included presentations by Rabbi Baruch Hertz and Rabbi Aaron Kotlar.
Lubavitch Hebrew Academy, run by Rabbi Yossi and Rivkah Denberg, is at the forefront of successful Chabad schools.