Plantation Home of Chabad Shliach Damaged In Fire
by JewishMiami.info
The home of Rabbi Pinchas Taylor, a Chabad Shliach in Plantation, FL, was damaged in a fire this week, forcing the family to vacate the home as repairs take place.
“Recently, we had a fire in our home,” Rabbi Taylor explained. “The condensation pump attached to the AC handler overheated and ignited, and the fire spread in the garage. Thank G-d, it was in the afternoon, and nobody was home. Someone out walking noticed the smoke and called 911.”
According to Taylor, Officer Boos of the Plantation Police Department, who was one of the first at the scene, went into their home twice and rescued the family’s two bunnies from the smoke that was pouring through the house.
“We are tremendously grateful to the Plantation Police and Fire Departments for their service,” Taylor wrote. “Unfortunately, after the fire was extinguished and the damage assessed, our home was rendered unlivable, and we were forced to relocate to another house for the next few months during the restoration process.”
A very overwhelming experience, and especially hard on the family’s children, the Taylors have received an outpouring of support and assistance from the community.
“Everyone who has heard what happened has gone out of their way to offer their support,” he said. “We are so grateful for all the calls and texts asking, “Do you need anything?” We’ve been running on overload and sometimes don’t know what to answer.”
To help streamline assistance, the Taylor’s have created a link as a place where people who were inclined to assist them getting situated could direct their support.
“We are very grateful to all of you who contribute. May you and your family be blessed for your kindness,” they said.
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