Rochel Newman’s “Back from the Brink”


Mrs. Rochel Hirschprung-Newman MSW, LSW, a skilled Child and Family Therapist and grief counselor in Toronto Canada, said that she had a “homecoming” experience when she returned to Chabad of South Broward.

The daughter of the legendary talmid chochom, Rav Pinchas Hirschprung zt”l, Chief Rabbi of Montreal, Rochel was the female “patient zero” for COVID-19 in Ontario, Canada and was place on lifesaving in March of 2020. The “long haul” after-effects lasted for 17 months.

While at the Chabad House this week, Rochel described her medical ordeal that was aptly named “Back from the Brink.”

Rochel studied at Bais Yaakov Seminary in Montreal, York University School of Social Work (Toronto), Wurzweiler School of Social Work (Yeshiva U, NYC), and advanced studies in Grief and Trauma Counseling at University of Toronto. She has spent more than 20 years in the fields of children’s mental health, grief counseling and women’s issues.

ZHer father , Rabbi Hirschprung, was a close friend and Chavrusah of the father of the Chabad Shliach at Chabad of South Broward, Reb Avrohom Dovid Tennenhaus. The two had a one on one Chavrusah every Shabbos morning for nearly 15 years in the Bobover Beis HaMedrash before going to Daven in the old Lubavitch Minyan. Rabbi Tennenhaus was very influential in Rabbi Hirschprung’s close connection to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

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